Sunday, 3 November 2013

Halloween with Meg and Mog

Hi guys,
The witch Meg and her cat Mog stayed at our English classroom for several days . We read the book, watched a video , described her etc
* This year we celebrated Halloween with a creative, cute and spooky bulletin board that focus on Meg and Mog, one of the most famous witches.. Here you can see the result. 
* Watch this video again. This is the episode 1 but you can find more in Youtube.

*At Halloween we can see witches like Meg everywhere but, do you know what a witch is?. Listen to the video and find out. Learn more words to describe Meg.

* Meg and Mog are the heroes of a series of children´s books written by Helen Nicoll and illustrated by Jan Pienkowski. He has a great website : . There are lots of fantastic activities to do, word searches, colour /art etc.

* We celebrated our Jack - o- Lantern exhition in the school hall too . Every year you and your parents surprise us with your awesome " creations". I´d like to thank everyone for your effort.
Well done! Great job!.
And now, enjoy these photos and the video showing your pumpkins and our Halloween bulletin board.