Friday 15 October 2010

Make monsters.

Hi again!

Close to Halloween, I thought many of us would be happy to create and post some of our scariest monsters!!!
Get creative and make your own monster.They can be as ugly or crazy as you like. Choose the background and the body parts . Click on the body part you want them move into place on screen. You can post in your blog.
* Create a monster poem: Using adjectives will make your poem sound more interesting. For example, is a smelly monster , monster is he noun and smelly is the adjective. Click on the button for some adjectives to help you.

Here you´ve got more online applications that let you create monsters.
* Be a Frankstein and create your monster

* Goosebumps: Monster Maker
* Build your Beast with Grabbabeast
* Monster creator: The Troop
* A new " Monster Lab"
* Convert your photo into scary monsters here. Have fun and get grossed out ! ( you will convert into a scary monster with this funny tool) . Upload a photo to start.
* Watch this video and learn to draw a cute 3- eyed monster.