Saturday 17 November 2012

Thanksgiving in the USA

Hi dear kids,
The fourth Thursday of November is the day when Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day.  This day in the United States is a time to enjoy delicious holiday meals, to gather with family and friends and to express gratitude.  It's also a time for holiday parades and playing games together. 
In 1620, the ship Mayflower arrived to the East coast of USA. More than 100 British pilgrims stayed to live there.  Winter was difficult and they were very hungry.  The native indians helped them with seeds and food to survive in their new home.  Next year the fall harvest was good. They celebrated a big feast with the native Americans ( the wampanoag). Today we call it the First Thanksgiving.
Let´s learn more about this celebration with these activities.
 1.- Read about Thanksgiving kids and watch the video " The story of the Pilgrims".
2.-Step into Pilgrim Time reading this magazine " Did  Pilgrims ride skateboards?"
3.-The First Thanksgiving - by the Children of the Rethink Autism Community.

4.-Learn about Macy´s Thanksgiving Parade- as a part of this celebration in the USA by GeoBeats.